Adult Bible Fellowships
Our Adult Bible Fellowship ministry is designed to allow deeper relationships to develop among the membership of our congregation. We believe that God created us to be in community together as believers in order to manifest the image of God to others by helping each other walk in conformity to Jesus Christ. ABF classes at Fourth encourage this result as we draw closer in relationships with each other.
We meet from 9:15 to 10:15 before the Sunday morning service for a time of small group Bible study and discussion centered around the truth of God’s Word and its application to daily living. We are currently in a multi-year overview study of each book of the Bible. Besides our time of study, application, and prayer together on Sundays, each class has scheduled fellowship activities together.
We have multiple ABF classes that fit a variety of stages and seasons of life, and members and visitors are free to chose a class that fits their needs. Please check out any of our ABF classes, and let us know how we can better help you connect here at Fourth Baptist Church.
- Connections (18-22)
- Sojourners (23-30)
- Foundations (25-35)
- Faith Builders (35-45)
- Ladies (18+)
- Pathfinders (45-55)
- Encouragers (55-65)

The Sojourners ABF is our Adult Bible Fellowship focused on post-college-and-career ages. While the class is generally made up of 23 to 30-year-olds, we welcome any who are interested to join the fellowship around God’s Word. Currently, Dan Johnson, Matt Fure, and Matthew Bruffey are leading in the teaching ministry.
The class enjoys weekly Bible studies on Sunday mornings and every other Friday evening as well as periodic fellowship activities. You can follow news from the class through our Facebook group, or we’d love to have you visit on a Sunday morning at 9:15 am in room 273.
Fourth Foundations ABF is Fourth’s young-adult- and young-family-focused Adult Bible Fellowship. While the class is generally made up of 25-to-40-year-olds, we welcome any who are interested to join the fellowship around God’s Word! The class enjoys weekly Bible studies and prayer on Sunday mornings (Seminary Library) as well as monthly fellowship and service/ministry activities.
The winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded on a Rock. —Matthew 7:25
Home Builders

Though geared toward 45-to-55-year-olds, Pathfinders Adult Bible Fellowship enjoys the fellowship of adults of all ages … and even some class members who are not yet adults! Anyone who wants to share in the fellowship and deep study of the Word of God is welcome.
Pathfinders ABF is famous for its lively discussion and for huge book tables! Please join us in the Fellowship Hall (lower level of the school wing) on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am.
Ladies Class
Ladies of all ages and in all seasons of life are encouraged to gather in Room 223 on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am to study the Bible together, share their lives and burdens, and pray for one another.

Women’s Ministries
Ladies’ fellowships meet once a month on Thursdays during the school year for Bible study, mutual encouragement, and prayer for one another and our supported missionaries. Check the bulletin and/or website calendar for details.
- Mary-Martha, 10:00 am, Women’s Ministry Room
- Naomi-Ruth, 7:00 pm, Heritage Room
- Hannah, 7:00 pm, Heritage Room
We also have a ladies’ fall gathering in August or September, and we participate in the Minnesota Baptist Association (MBA) Ladies’ Retreat each spring. See Kathy Locke with questions, or call the church office (763-417-8200).
Mothers Outreach Ministry meets in Room 223 every other Tuesday morning, 9:30-11:30, during the school year for Bible study, practical help, and fellowship. Mothers and grandmothers of all ages are welcome!
MOMS also has a lending library offering books on marriage, parenting, and Christian growth.
During the summer months, mothers and their children meet once a month for fellowship and playtime at a home or a local park. All ladies are welcome!
Keep up with other MOMS events and Bible studies by visiting our Facebook page.
Men’s Ministries
The Adelphi men’s ministry exists to glorify God by encouraging and equipping men to fulfill their God-ordained role of leadership in the home and in the church. To assist in the fulfillment of this goal, the group provides opportunities for men which promote spiritual growth, genuine fellowship, evangelistic outreach, and sacrificial service. Adelphi events are included in the church calendar.

Golden Agers
Each Wednesday meeting at 10:30 am features an interesting and informative theme presented in a way that is enjoyable and God-honoring. Everyone is welcome and there are no fees or membership requirements. A lunch is served at each meeting, and attendees are invited to share in the weekly meal expenses if they are able. A multi-day Golden Agers’ tour is conducted annually.
If you have questions about the Golden Agers ministry, please contact Pastor Jared Page.