Nursery Ministry
Investing in the first church experiences of our little ones because of Jesus
Whether you are a visiting family or a regularly attending family, we are so happy to offer you our nursery ministry in any way that will help you!
Each nursery room in use is always staffed with a minimum of either two adults or one adult and one capable teen. The infant room is always staffed with two or more adults. In addition, we have a nursery committee of up to 12 ladies who take turns by month ensuring the nursery is cleaned and staffed properly each week.
Seeing little ones begin to learn about God and His plan for them in a safe, clean, and nurturing environment is the vision of our nursery ministry!
Our Nursery uses the Kidcheck Check-in System.
Our Mothers Room is located in the hallway across the foyer from the nursery, two doors down. Mothers who need a place to care for their babies are welcome! There is a diaper changing area, comfortable seating, and a bassinet, as well as other items for your use. You are welcome to use this area whether or not you use our nursery services.
We are very careful who we allow to serve in our nursery. Our nursery staff is comprised of members in our church who have been screened carefully via a background check and an interview process. All adult caregivers have also been trained in Fourth’s Child Protection policies. We take great care for the safety of the children entrusted to us during all service times that the nursery is open.
For infants and one-year-olds, we have space to store a diaper bag in the nursery room, if you choose to bring one. Please label bottles, cups, and other accessories with tape provided at the check-in counter. If you are a parent of a two- or three-year-old child and you do choose to bring a diaper bag, please leave a diaper/pull-up with the nursery staff and hang your bag on the hooks outside the door.
For all children who will be attending regularly, we will designate a small bin with his/her name in our diaper changing area. Parents may give the nursery staff several diapers/pull-ups or other small necessary items (i.e. rash cream or a change of clothes for potty trainers) to stock the bin. Nursery staff will inform parents when they should bring more.
By bringing your child to the nursery, is there any potential of exposing any other children to sickness? If the answer is “Yes,” please keep your child with you.
Specifically, please do not bring your child to the nursery if he/she has had any of the following in the previous 24 hours:
- Temperature of 100+ degrees Fahrenheit
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Unexplained cough
- Untreated conjunctivitis/pink eye
- Unexplained runny nose
- Questionable rash
We understand that transitioning a child to another nursery room at a birthday can sometimes be unnerving for both a child and parents. We would like to help ease that transition as much as possible. Sometime before your child’s birthday, a nursery committee member will contact you to develop a plan with you as to how and when to move your child to the next age group. If there is any time that you have a concern about the nursery room being appropriate for your child, please feel free to express your concern to a nursery committee member. We would love to help you in any way that we can.
We look forward to caring for your child and helping to make his/her first church experiences as encouraging as possible! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our nursery coordinator, Stephanie Isenberg at 612-248-3008.